Where does Pepper Daddy ship from?

All orders ship from our warehouse in New Jersey. Most orders are fulfilled within 24 hours of processing.

Where does Pepper Daddy ship to?

Currently, we ship to all 48 contiguous United States. International customers, please email us to inquire about ordering by emailing us at 

How can I find out if your products are safe with my food allergy or medical condition?

Always consult with your doctor if you have any health concerns regarding food allergies or medical conditions. Our product labels can be found on each product page for you to check ingredients and nutritional facts. Still unsure? Feel free to email us!

How do I modify my order?

Most orders are fulfilled within 24 hours of processing. Email us at as soon as you need to modify the order and reference your order number in the subject line.

How will I know that my order has shipped?

Customers are notified via email when their order is placed, and when the order is shipped. Tracking numbers are provided for each order, so you’ll know when Pepper Daddy is coming over.

Do you offer wholesale & bulk product discounts?

Yes! Pepper Daddy is always looking to expand and offers a unique wholesale experience. Email us at with your inquiries so we can make it happen!